Ep #4 People Pleasing

In today’s episode, we discuss people-pleasing.

People-pleasing is just manipulation in drag. It sounds nice. It looks kind. And it lip syncs along to someone else's voice.

It is a performance. But it’s destructive.

People-pleasing comes from insecurity and in this episode I teach you how to overcome 3 reasons why we people please:

  1. Other people's approval gives you value or worth.

  2. You fear your physical safety if you don’t .

  3. It’s easier to do something yourself than to go through the inconvenience of a difficult conversation.

Remember, other people’s opinions are just that; opinions. You are already 100% valuable. And the only opinion you can control is your opinion.

So make sure you’re acting in a way that boosts your opinion of yourself, instead of tearing yourself down to please others (hint: act authentically.)

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21 Sassy Affirmations for Confidence


Ep #5 Shame


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