Report A Concern

At Coach Alex Ray, we highly value Accountability. Alex has been in abusive scenarios before where he felt like he couldn’t speak out because the abuser was someone in a position of authority. If you feel like your experience with any part of our company has been hurtful or abusive, we want to hear about it. And we’d like to do our best to make it right.

You can use these links to contact us or seek outside help if you do not feel comfortable addressing it with us directly.

We of course prefer to handle concerns directly whenever possible. You can report a concern by emailing Please note that anyone who works for the company, including Alex, can see your email.

If you need to address it privately, please fill out this form.

If this is a concern you feel breaches ethics, the ICF code of conduct or anything else above and beyond what you can address with us directly, you can report a concern to the ICF (International Coaching Federation) here:
or get assistance here:
The ICF is the governing body who oversees Alex Ray’s Coaching credentials.

Thank you for having your own back and speaking up. Whether that is for us, or against us, we honor you for your courage.