Ep #43 The Progress Hangover

When I was in therapy, and when I started receiving life coaching, no one prepared me for the exhaustion.

It's like a full-on freaking HANGOVER.

I had headaches, my body was exhausted, and my brain was fried!

I thought something was wrong with me, and I tried coaching more to feel better.

But I only felt worse.

If you have been making big leaps and strides, you have felt this too.

Nothing is wrong.
There is actually a scientific explanation for it.

Your body is going through very real chemical withdrawals as you change your thought patterns.

So coaching more HELL NO. It will only make things worse.

What you need is a freaking nap.

In today's episode, you'll be supported through the whole progress hangover process.

You'll understand what's going on chemically in your body, so you can partner with your body instead of fighting against it.

Mentioned in this episode
Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself by Dr. Joe Dispenza
The Iconic Queer Mastermind for trauma-informed, science-informed, spiritually connected, magically inspired, empowering, trilling, support that'll expand your reach beyond your wildest imagination.

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21 Sassy Affirmations for Confidence


Ep #44 Taking Risks


Ep #42 Blowing Her Own Mind w/ Keila J. Brown