Ep #50 The Episode With Grandma

Whoa! Are you ready for today's guest?!?!

She's smart,
She's funny,
She's wild,
She kinda does whatever she wants,
She might make you raise your eyebrows a little,
She's a rebel,
She's my confidant,
And she's my friend.

I can talk with her about anything,
And we frequently laugh till we cry... or pee our pants... or both 😂 

My Grandma is on today's podcast.

We talk about her life, me coming out to her, her love for the LGBTQIA+ community, advice for young singles, and... poppers???
You'll just have to listen.

Join me on today's episode to catch all the laughs and life-changing advice with Grandma.

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21 Sassy Affirmations for Confidence


Ep #51 Edging


Ep #49 Glory Holes (In Life)