Ep #53 Kink

What can Kink teach you about Confidence?

Kink is about finding play and pleasure and joy and satisfaction in the taboo, the uncommon, the weird, the naughty.

Insecurity can only keep growing where you stay “safe” and “predictable”.

If kink teaches us that pleasure can be found through challenging shame in the bedroom….

Then you can also play the same game in any area of life:
turning your shame and fears of judgment into the greatest activators of pleasure.

Listen to today's episode to finally have the confidence to have nerve-wracking conversations, live more authentically, date your dream guy (or gal, or human), and even ask for what you want in bed.

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21 Sassy Affirmations for Confidence


Ep #54 Your Authentic Power w/ Angel Flores


Ep #52 Sensuality w/ Kerri Blankenship