Ep #60 Spirituality & Queerness w/ Kayla Adreene

If you have felt othered by spirituality or religion because of your queerness, this episode is for you.

When I was in San Diego a month ago I met this awesome, magical, soul in a Kava bar.

She showed me around Hillcrest, introduced me to LOTS of people, and helped me feel right at home.

We had deep conversations on life and spirituality in less than an hour and I was like "OMG, you gotta be on my podcast!"

So here's Kayla!

Tune into our awesome conversation on the intersections of spirituality, religion, and queerness.

Follow and work with Kayla here:
Instagram @designsforloving
Retreats @herdesertretreats
Non-profit @transwomenofamerica

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21 Sassy Affirmations for Confidence


Ep #61 Overcoming Shame & Living Polyamorous w/ Chuck Copenspire
