Ep #64 Nude Photography w/ Images Male
Today I want to share with you one of the most confidence-boosting experiences I have had in a long time.
Have you ever thought of booking yourself a nude or boudoir photoshoot?
Are you feeling like you'd need to be a lot more confident before booking?
Well, waiting till you feel more confident is actually preventing you from becoming more confident!
In this episode, peek behind the scenes with me and the photographer behind Images Male Photography, David E, as we discuss the details of planning, and shooting my first nude shoot.
We created erotic, kinky art that you're gonna love!
And the confidence boost I have had since the shoot is unparalleled.
I hope you take the leap and book your own shoot (however clothed or bare you want to be).
Just don't wait till you feel confident to do it!
The confidence comes after the shoot, not before.
Follow and work with David:
Instagram @imagesmale
Twitter @imagesmale
Websites imagesmale.com, kinkphotographer.com, dudesanddogs.com
Email dave@imagesmale.com
View my Erotic and Kink photo album by Images Male Photography:
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