Ep #10 Fake vs Real Confidence

Have you ever found yourself being fake vulnerable?

Where you share something that sounds vulnerable, but really you have a plan of action to handle it already.

Its like being in class and asking a question you already know the answer to.

You don’t really need the teacher’s answer, but it’s an opportunity to connect with her.

If you’ve caught yourself doing this, that’s ok! It is just part of the process.

Fake vulnerability commonly happens as you are becoming more confident with your authentic self.

In today’s episode I help you see the difference between fake and real vulnerability and use it as a test for whether or not you are being fake or real in your confidence.

You’ll also get to hear for the first time, the 7 stages of confidence.

Now that you know these are normal stages in the process, you can drop the self judgement.

Referenced in this episode:

Brené Brown Vulnerability Ted Talk

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21 Sassy Affirmations for Confidence


Ep #11 Turning Shame Into Confidence w/ Chloie Jönsson


Ep #9 Finding Your Purpose