Ep #26 Trauma Responses

Do you ever have an emotional response that you know is not logical, but you just can't seem to do anything different?

For me one of those areas was money. I felt fear every time I looked at, thought about, tried to plan money.

Now you could try to logic your way through it, "Oh it's just numbers, they can't hurt me."

Which is true, but it doesn't respect your inner child who is afraid and unfortunately much stronger than your inner logical adult.

Today I'm going to help you understand how to work collaboratively with your inner child so that you are no longer living life by these trauma triggers.

When you understand trauma responses, they tend to untangle themselves slowly over time.

You might be judging yourself right now and trying to force yourself to respond differently, but logic does not work on trauma responses.

So to get unstuck from the way things are in your finances, romance, Grindr, or your boss, recognize your own trauma responses first without judgment.

Today's episode will help you do just that: find them, accept them, and plan for them in the future.

Mentioned in this episode:

Lost In Space on Netflix (this is the show I couldn't remember the title to lol)

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21 Sassy Affirmations for Confidence


Ep #27 25 Beliefs


Ep #25 Trauma Bonding