Ep #27 25 Beliefs

Beliefs are like lenses.

They determine how you see yourself, other people, and the world.

Your level of confidence is based on those beliefs.

On today’s episode you’ll learn 25 beliefs that are guaranteed to boost your confidence.

One warning though, do not use these beliefs against yourself.

If they don't feel true yet, that's ok!

Don't beat yourself up about it.

Go back to episode 17 Cognitive Dissonance to learn how to bridge the gap between where you are now and any of these new beliefs.

The 25 Beliefs List:

Other people
The majority of people want to help you. They want to see you succeed just like you want them to succeed.

No one has ever accomplished anything alone. They learned from other’s experiences. They got help somewhere along the way. And ultimately they presented their accomplishment to others. Art hidden away has no value. Collaborate.

Your coach has your best interest in mind. They want you to succeed. Your success is their success! Of course, they want only the best for you!

You take responsibility and ownership of all your thoughts, feelings, decisions, and actions. You’ve got the power!

Just because someone else is going it quicker, does not mean you are doing it wrong.

You believe in yourself.

You are capable of doing new things.

You choose to do hard things.

There’s no such thing as doing it wrong. Who invented the right way? Just another human.

Negative feelings
At your most desperate times, the breakthrough is right around the corner. Get excited.

Feeling mad is ok. There are many things You want to feel mad about.

Feeling sad is ok. You can experience sadness.

(Brooke Castillo) “Life is supposed to be 50/50.” 50% great, 50% horrible.

You like the ups and downs of life. “Just ok” or even “good” all the time would be boring.

Standing out is what leads to greatness.

Other people aren’t supposed to like everything about you. If they did, you’d be bland vanilla, boring. Chunky mocha cookie dough brownie with rainbow sprinkles and whipped cream sounds like a way more fun life.

You are modeling the joy that life can be when people show up as their full authentic selves.

Staying the same is more comfortable in the moment. You’d rather be uncomfortable and growing.

“Non-stop growth is called cancer.” - Michelle Chestovich, MD

You’re committed to making your future self proud. You will look back and say to your younger self, “thank you so much. You were brave”

Money cannot create safety. The feeling of safety is created by your thoughts about yourself and the world. You can build trust in yourself by choosing options with your adult brain, not your scared child brain. Your adult brain is responsible for your inner child.

Debt is not moral. It’s totally neutral. Debt actually helps you get what you want faster. And you can strategize how you use it.

You can plan money like you plan your time.

Making money is your greatest tool for helping people.

You get to base your beliefs on your experiences and understandings. That’s what others did too. And now they’re teaching theirs.

Mentioned in this episode:
Brooke Castillo - Podcast
Michelle Chestovich, MD - Instagram

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