Ep #29 Connecting With Your Inner Child

Contrary to what you might think, your inner child has the most significant pull in your life.

They might not fully run the show, but they can put the breaks on anything you're doing that feels unsafe to them.

You might think you're outsmarting them, but you will always fall right back where you started until they are willing to go with you.

If you want to have an easier time achieving any life goal, you need to start by communicating with your inner child.

In today's episode, you'll get the 5 tools I teach all my clients for communicating with their inner child.

This is one of the most valuable episodes I have ever created.

I've included a visualization meditation that I was going to save solely for my Confident Queers.

But on second thought, I decided to share this pure gold with all of you 💗.

Tune in to today's episode to connect with your inner child as if you are already working with me one-on-one.

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21 Sassy Affirmations for Confidence


Ep #30 How To Be Yourself


Ep #28 Choosing Hard