Ep #28 Choosing Hard

Feeling triggered is actually an opportunity to create a safer environment for your inner child.

You've got many ways you can respond when triggered, but only one thing makes you feel safe/unsafe:
How you talk to your inner child.

If you tell them 'you shouldn't be afraid, get over it' you'll come out feeling more traumatized (I've used this one many times 😳).

If you tell them 'it's not that big of a deal, I've got this' you might be able to push through, but you are certainly going to feel exhausted (and make it worse for next time).

If you ask them 'hey what's bothering you about this?' You open room for communication and safety.

Your inner child needs to feel heard in order to feel safe.

Feeling triggered isn't a problem. It's an opportunity.

When you are triggered your inner child is loudest.

Which means your inner adult can have an even easier time listening to them.

When your inner child feels safe, you have an open dialog.

When you have open internal dialog, you become more confident.

So maybe it's time to choose harder things, AND to use them to open inner dialog.

You don't need to fear being triggered.

Listen to today's podcast to open your own inner dialog and help your inner child feel safe.

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21 Sassy Affirmations for Confidence


Ep #29 Connecting With Your Inner Child


Ep #27 25 Beliefs