Ep #38 Purpose, Trauma & Goals w/ Mike Iamele

Your purpose, your trauma, and your goals all have one commonality.

Your sensitivities.

The emotions/feelings that you are most sensitive to as a divine being.

They are the source of your trauma, the fulfillment of your purpose, and the secret to accomplishing every goal.

In today's episode, I bring on one of my coaches, Mike Iamele, an expert on sensitivities.

Once you hear today's conversation, you'll know how to feel fulfilled in anything you do, accept your trauma, and flip your perspective of goals upside down.

Every time I talk with Mike I feel wiser and more empowered.

Today, you're going to have that same experience.

Follow Mike and sign up to work with him
Website: https://mikeiamele.com/map (this is his free mapping giveaway)
Instagram: @mike_iamele

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21 Sassy Affirmations for Confidence


Ep #39 Deflecting Compliments


Ep #37 Why Queerness Is Your Superpower