Ep #37 Why Queerness Is Your Superpower

Hey unicorn,

I just want to say I love you.


I love you.

Who you are at your core.

Your beauty, talent, thoughtfulness, kindness, magic.

AND all your messiness, pain, shameful thoughts, your whole humanity.

You might see your queerness as something you've learned to like about yourself.
Or are still learning to like about yourself.

Or it might be something you've just decided to dismiss as unimportant.

As humans, we can't selectively celebrate ourselves.

We're like a single-room studio.

If one corner starts to warm up from the sunlight coming in, the AC blasts from the other corner to bring the average temperature down.

The way you feel about yourself is an average of all the beliefs you hold to be true about yourself.

So if you feel awesome about one corner of your life, and hate another corner of your life,
you always average out to a comfortable temperature.

Now you might be thinking "But Alex, feeling kinda low is not comfortable. I want 10 out of 10!"

Yes, but your subconscious is not comfortable with feeling 10 out of 10.

Because that is so unfamiliar to you.

It would genuinely freak you out if you felt too good about yourself for a long consistent time right?

Like OMG! The other shoe could drop at any second. Nothing can be this good for this long.

So today, I want you to consider raising your average temperature, simply by raising your allowance of it.

"I allow myself to feel _______ today."

Insert whatever you want in that blank.

I like Empowered, Curious, Supported. But grab whatever resonates with you in a dream world.

For this podcast, it might be Proud.

Proud of who you are.

With this stunning superpower of queerness.

Take a listen and raise your average temperature.

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21 Sassy Affirmations for Confidence


Ep #38 Purpose, Trauma & Goals w/ Mike Iamele


Ep #36 Inner Child Labor