Ep #45 Stepping Out Of The Matrix

What if you change your mindset too much?

If you are like me, you might be fearing "what will happen if I change too much? How will I be able to relate to others? Will I lose friends?"

And let me just rip the bandaid off for you... the answer is yes.

It won't be nearly as bad as you think it will be though.

Have you seen the Matrix?
(So excited for the new one to come out in a couple weeks 😍)

Remember how Neo chose to leave the matrix and see the world for what it really is.

And then he kinda wanted to go back because the people he really cared about were still in the Matrix and totally un-aware.

Plus it was easier to live in someone else's programming, than to be fully in control of his decisions and destiny.

Well guess what.

If you haven't already felt like "holy shit, what is everyone else doing? How are they still operating their life like that?"

Trust me, it's gonna hit you.

When you change your mind, your world views change.

You can't un-see things the way you see them now.

You literally cannot go back.

And that will leave you in a very lonely frightening space.

Don't worry, it is only temporary.

As you go about the holiday season and undoubtedly interact with friends or family who are still in the Matrix, your reaction may be to rescue them.

I tried it too. It doesn't work.

Remember, they need to see it in their own time. And they will.

Let them have their journey.

Listen to today's podcast episode to step out of the Matrix in a way that empowers you and those who are still stuck in it.

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21 Sassy Affirmations for Confidence


Ep #46 What Are Goals Really?


Ep #44 Taking Risks