Ep #46 What Are Goals Really?

Stop harming your self-esteem with goal setting.

I'm going to take a guess here that you don't take a long time to celebrate when you reach your goals.

And I'm going to make another assumption that you are very hard on yourself when you fail to reach them.

How do I know? I'll let you guess 😉

The reason goal setting feels like self-harm and not like self-love is because of why you chose to set your goals.

Goal setting is not for the purpose of enjoying the accomplishment of the goal.

I mean reaching goals IS fun!

But could you imagine hating soccer, yet choosing to play it for that split second when you make a goal?

That sounds like a terrible experience.

Yet that's what you are doing in your life.

You set goals for the split second of joy from accomplishing them.

When you could be setting them for the fun of the game.

Goals are just an excuse to play the game.

Setting goals gives you a game to play to have a reason to collect experiences.

The experiences though are where most of the fun and thrill live.

Listen to today's episode and think about are there goals you have, that you don't want to play the game required for them?

And are there games of life you want to play, but haven't set goals that would require you to play them yet?

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