Ep #92 Setting Boundaries with your Audience w/ Chelsea Dickinson

Today you get to meet my friend Chelsea Dickinson aka The Sabotage Queen.

Every time we’ve FaceTimed we said, “why the heck did we not record this? People would PAY to listen in on our conversations! This shit is gold.”

Sooooo now you do get to listen in, but for free!

On today's episode we talk about how you should be more of a bitch on the internet, how to survive overwhelming amounts of attention, and how to set boundaries in the increasingly less private online world.

It’s the unfiltered conversation you didn’t even know you needed to hear.

Connect with Chelsea:

Instagram: @thesabotagequeen

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21 Sassy Affirmations for Confidence


Ep #93 Off Stage: The Dilemma Between Authenticity and Social Media


Ep #91 Being a Gogo Boy