Ep #93 Off Stage: The Dilemma Between Authenticity and Social Media

Hey there Unicorn!

Weather you're using social media to connect with people or as a way to make money, it's still requires you to put in labor.

So how is this free labor affecting your overall "work load"?

Can you spend time online without getting closer to burn out?

And is the pressure to put on a show online eroding your authenticity?

In this episode, we're exploring all that and more.

If this is important to you, you're going to love the workshop I'm running called Off Stage. We're going to actively work on managing the balance between on and off our social media stage.

Sign up here for the Off Stage workshop.

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21 Sassy Affirmations for Confidence


Ep #94 Setting Boundaries With Your Family


Ep #92 Setting Boundaries with your Audience w/ Chelsea Dickinson