Ep #36 Inner Child Labor

If you feel unable to access your creativity, or you feel afraid to show up as your full, authentic, iconic-work-of-art self, you've got an inner child sweatshop going on.

And child labor is illegal for a reason!

Your inner child is in charge of your creativity, and if they feel unsafe, they won't produce...
well, they might produce, but it’s a very frustrating process and takes way longer than it could, and it honestly is not your most amazing work.

In today's episode, I show you the magic of what happens when you allow your inner child to be creative.

And I'll give you the exact mindset to be in, in order to allow your inner child to be creative.

This is the process I used to accidentally ace my most recent paper for a college class I'm taking on the side.
(I swear I thought I was only going to get a C, I gave about 50% my typical effort)

And it is the same process I used to record this knock-your-socks-off-amazing episode with only 2 sentences of notes.

This is THE KEY to feeling empowered, and free.

Take a listen now.

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21 Sassy Affirmations for Confidence


Ep #37 Why Queerness Is Your Superpower


Ep #35 Empathy vs Compassion